Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going Green, What's it all Mean?

Going Green these days seems like the new trend in society. From cars to carpet, even television shows are promoting green episodes to get people to think about the impact they have on the planet. And how in the world are plastic bottles made from Corn?! As a Certified EcoBroker my goal is to educate people on saving energy, time and money as well as give people options to making their homes more sustainable and effecient. There is a lot of information out there and it going to take time before we are all on the same page, but like eating an Elephant we can do it one piece at a time. Did you know that most of the new home smells come from toxic paints and glues made from Formaldehide? Did you also know that most new furances are only about 50-60% effecient because the duct work is not properly sealed?

What if you could make your home more comfortable, healthy and comsume less energy leading to more money in your pocket? Would you make changes to reduce waste and resources? How about making your home more appealing to buyers in a Buyers Market with energy efficient upgrades? Fuel prices are not going down, auto manufactures are scrabbling to make high mileage cars, Solar Panel companies are as busy as ever - What's this all mean? Change is happening and it's an exciting time to be alive and whitness a revolution in consumerism/ conservation.

If you would like more information on how to make your home energy effecient with minimal costs or to give your home sale that extra attraction that says my home is the best, send us and email or call. We will help educate you on greenifying your home and answering questions that help you understand what it means to be green!