Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Straight Talk in Real Estate

Since I will be shooting a television episode tomorrow I thought I would post a blog Tuesday night. I recently made a phone call to my Grandma-In-Law's neighbor with regard to asking them why they allowed their home to look so poorly compared to the rest of the neighbors (peeling paint, holes in the sophets, broken doors, oil stains in driveway, etc...). Keep in mind this is an older neighborhood with no convanents so the the owners can do pretty much as they please. The neighbors were not home so I left a message which they returned this evening. In our conversation the neighbor said they were offended by my message and what right did I have to ask about the poor condition of their home. In short, I told her that my late Grandfather who owned the home before them took very good care of the house 6 years ago and that it is sad to see what has happened to the house since then. My intention was not offend but to question why especially when money is not an object as she told me. I told her that we all have a responsibility to take care of each other, hence keeping things in check.

All to often I find that people walk around issues as to not offend anyone. Personally, I think it is better to speak honestly and frankly. Why are so many people afraid of the truth? With regard to what right I had to speaking so straight forward about the neighbors home? I care what my neighborhood looks like even if it is my Grandpa's! Although, had the neighborhood had an HOA or covanent controlled community I probably would not have needed to say anything because that is what most associations are for - keeping things in check! The lady I spoke to said she hopes I don't treat my clients the way I spoke to hear and I disagree! What type of person do you want representing you? Someone who lets things slide or a person who tackles the issues head on? Life is too short not to stand for something especially when it deals with family and your home!